Gripper Truss Hook™ How-to

The Gripper Truss Hook™ includes:

  • Rafter hook with 3/8″ cable choker
  • Shackle with nut and cotter pin
  • Length of choker 4′ or 12′ based on application
  • Capacity per hook: 1200 lbs.


Rafter hooks can be used as a single unit (Fig. 1), tandem (Fig. 2), or in triple (Fig. 3) based on length of rafter.  When using multi-configuration, a spreader beam of proper length and capacity is required.  Consult truss rafter manufacturer for product weights. Rafter hook capacity:  1200 lbs.

Lifting Hooks, Lifting Hook, Hook Lift System, Hook Lift Systems

NOTE: Center cable is not attached to the spreader beam. The center truss hook is connected directly to the hoisting hook with adjustable rigging.

Equipment Usage

Lifting Hooks, Lifting Hook, Hook Lift System, Hook Lift Systems, Hook AlignmentEquipment usage is a simple 6 step procedure.

  • Slip hook under top cord of truss rafter in proper location.  Make sure unit alignment allows for a vertical pull.  (Fig. 4 and Fig. 5)
  • Pull spring pin knob to activate.
  • Raise rafter to location.
  • Secure rafter in place.
  • Pull release cable until spring pin locks hook open.
  • Lower hoist cable.

Service & Storage

  • Clean rafter hook by washing with water and mild detergent solution.
  • Wipe and blow dry.
  • Contact Neufeldt Industrial Services for service or repair.
  • Store equipment when not in use in a dry and clean environment.